Weight Management
We offer virtual one to one weight management support for those who would like to improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes without surgical intervention. We focus on achieving a nutritionally balanced diet working with you to ensure any changes fit in with your specific needs, circumstances and lifestyle.
Your initial appointment (£95.00): will focus on information gathering, medical history, diet history, explore previous barriers to change, identify the goals important to you and build confidence to set realistic targets to help you achieve sustainable weight loss. Comprehensive balanced diet plans will be individually tailored.
A review appointment (£65.00) is recommended and will be an opportunity to explore your progress, look at what worked well and agree goals going forward.
You can book individual appointments as you go or you may find it more cost effective to book our Weight Management Package.
Weight Management Package (£215.00)
3 month package: includes 1 hour initial appointment followed by 2 x 40 minute review appointments.